Toolshed Skatepark at Basilica Hudson
A free and open skatepark at Basilica Hudson, with DIY building and mural painting workshops. Collaboration with Super Stories and Basilica Hudson.
What is it?
The Toolshed Skatepark at Basilica Hudson was a free skatepark open to all for two winter months in 2022 when activities for teens and youth are scarce in the Hudson Valley . The skatepark was co-0rganized and run with Super Stories (see below) and Basilica Hudson. Toolshed and Super Stories conducted a series of workshops on DIY ramp -and quarterpipe- building as well as on mural painting. The ramps and murals then became part of the skatepark. We are currently looking for space for 2022-2023 winter months.
What does it do?
Build community, as well as teach kids DIY building skills and how to achieve projects like this. It empowers youth.
Who is it for?
The skate community and those learning how to skate; also for those interested in DIY building.
Who worked on it?
Sonia Skindrud, an active board member at Basilica Hudson, suggested the idea of skatepark to Toolshed co-founder Ed Morris and his son Theo in casual conversation. The idea grew quickly from there. Toolshed friend Jon Fine connected Toolshed with the amazing artist Ramiro Davaro-Comas and his partner, the also amazing artist, Grace Lang. Ramiro and Grace started an organization called Super Stories that focuses on community storytelling through public art, educational workshops, and artist partnerships. Ramiro designed workshops for the kids. Operation Unite and Hudson Youth Department signed up workshop participants and provided transportation. Herrington’s (a local hardware store), Berkshire Bank, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, Partners for Climate Action Hudson Valley and Steiners (a local sports store) helped with funding and Basilica Hudson, of course, provided the venue, PR support and all around awesome-ness.
Cozy Oaks Productions created an amazing pro bono short documentary on the project.
What specific tools does it employ or create?
DIY building with wood; community outreach; youth engagement.