Fair Pricing / Sliding Scale Markets
Rolling Grocer 19 is a flourishing example of a fair pricing market. Their website features information on the benefits and ethics of fair pricing.
What Is It?
Fair (or sliding scale) pricing is a system whereby goods or services are priced at different levels to create access. In these models, those with higher incomes or wealth pay a greater amount for things like food, rent, education or healthcare, than someone with less money or less capital. We are highlighting fair pricing in food markets, because this is a particularly important area for this sort of tool. One system of fair pricing, used by Rolling Grocer in Hudson, New York (see below) uses three tiers: full retail prices (but not any higher); wholesale price (basically at cost); and a tier in between wholesale and retail. In this system donations or foundation support is still necessary because the net between revenue and cost of goods sold will not completely support the overhead.
What Does it Do?
Urban or semi-urban areas that have mixed-income populations often see a proliferation of higher-end grocery stores/markets that limit access to high-quality produce and goods to the wealthier members of a community. This also can create so-called food deserts, meaning a neighborhood without access to good sources of food, leading to poor diets and a vicious circle of disadvantage. Fair pricing markets helps solve this. In essence, wealthier members of the community help support access to good foods for everyone, simply by paying full retail price for goods. Yet, wealthier members of a community also directly benefit, because it makes it more likely that a full-service market can support itself in the neighborhood.
This type of market is mode of sharing. It helps all members of the community gain access to the types of healthy foods that can help people thrive and enjoy life. By calling this tool “fair-pricing,” as opposed to fair pricing.
How Can It Be Accessed?
Memberships to Toolshed Exchange, our tool lending library, operate on a sliding scale, and there are many other organizations and companies that operate on a sliding-scale in and around Hudson, NY.
Rolling Grocer 19 is a grocery store in Hudson, NY. They operate a storefront at 6 2nd St in Hudson and offer a full range everyday groceries and produce.
Solid Ground Farm is a CSA in Kingston, NY.
BeebearPro is a company based in Hudson, NY, that designs and sells handmade items such as soaps, candles, and functional ceramics.