Note that Toolshed is now its own 501(c)3 organization, EcoToolshed Inc., and no longer utilizes a fiscal sponsor.
Use the on-line form above or you can mail a check payable to EcoToolshed, Inc. and sent to:
112 Union St.
Hudson, NY 12534
You can also donate stock using the button below which will link out to our partner Stock Donator:
Donate Stock To Eco Toolshed, Inc.Why Support Toolshed?
Your tax-deductible contribution will help make it possible for Toolshed to cultivate community-based projects by bringing together artists, activists, educators and others actively engaged in transformational change. Donations at any level can really make a difference.
You can help us gather and share tools for a sustainable, equitable future through a tax deductible donation to Toolshed. We rely on the generosity of enlightened and caring individuals like you to make our work possible.
By lending your support to Toolshed, you join a community of people who understand that the climate crisis is here. That we must—now—urgently assemble and distribute tools for building resilient communities, tools for seeing the world in a new way, tools for finding joy and common cause.